
This module provides information about extreme fire behavior. The module is part of the S-290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior course and offers more detailed information about concepts introduced in other units of the course.

Extreme fire behavior

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

  • Describe the four common denominators of fire behavior on tragedy wildland fires.
  • Describe extreme fire behavior characteristics and recognize fire environment influences that contribute to extreme fire behavior.
  • Describe the three stages of crown fire development and identify the key factors and indicators leading to crown fire development.
  • Identify the three factors that contribute to the spotting problem and describe the conditions associated with each factor.
  • Define the probability of ignition, describe its use, and determine it using tables.
  • Define fire whirls (vortices), the conditions under which they are likely to develop, and their implications to wildland fire behavior.
  • Explain the difference between wind-driven and plume-dominated fires